Jim Martin Table: FY 2011 Final Budget Agreement

Jim Martin Table, April 12, 2011

Jim Martin Table: One-Week CR Averts Shutdown

Jim Martin Table, April 11, 2011

The VIP Series: President's FY 2012 Budget

VIP Series 11-02, February 16, 2011

The VIP Series: Republican Study Committee Proposal

VIP Series 11-01, February 4, 2011

Estimated Impact of RSC Proposal, FY 2011

Jim Martin Table, January 31, 2011


State Policy Reports: Federal Spending in the States

Special Analysis 10-05, October 28, 2010

OMB Transparency Requirements Go Into Effect

Issue Brief 10-40, October 5, 2010

Happy New Year! CR Keeps Funds Flowing

Budget Brief 10-03, October 1, 2010

FY 2011 Appropriations Update: Congress Off to a Slow Start

Budget Brief 10-02, September 10, 2010

Proposed House/Senate Totals for FY 2011 Budget

Jim Martin Table, September 10, 2010

Education Jobs Fund Includes New Funding, Requirements

Issue Brief 10-34, August 24, 2010

Final FY 2010 Fourth Quarter ARRA FMAPs

Issue Brief 10-35, August 24, 2010

New Law Extends ARRA FMAPs to June 2011

Issue Brief 10-33, August 17, 2010
