Issue Brief 21-10
September 3, 2021

UPDATE: The president signed the IIJA on November 15, 2021. The bill is unchanged from the version described in this brief.

The Senate has approved and sent to the House a five-year infrastructure bill, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA; H.R. 3684). The nearly 3,000-page bill authorizes or reauthorizes:

  • Surface transportation programs
  • New investments in surface transportation, transit, rail, and energy
  • Drinking and wastewater programs
  • Broadband investments
  • A host of other programs in areas including Indian water rights, wildfire mitigation, reforestation, recycling, bioproducts, cybersecurity, public-private partnerships, federal permitting, Build America/Buy America programs, and clean school buses and ferries
  • Revenues affecting the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) and other funds

The bill also provides appropriations for certain programs. This brief summarizes funding included in Division A of the bill, which authorizes highway programs for fiscal year (FY) 2022 through FY 2026. This brief also covers advance appropriations provided for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in Division J of the bill.