Budget Brief 12-05
May 9, 2012

As described in FFIS Budget Brief 12-03, the House of Representatives adopted its fiscal year (FY) 2013 budget resolution on March 29, 2012. The resolution included reconciliation instructions directing six committees to report recommendations that would generate federal budget savings of $261.5 billion over 10 years; those recommendations are summarized in FFIS Budget Brief 12-04. The budget resolution also specified the overall discretionary spending levels for FY 2013, on which 302(b) suballocations are based. These allocations allow the House Committee on Appropriations to begin its work, which it has done. Specifically, the House appropriations committee has approved two of its 12 annual spending bills: Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) and Energy-Water. In addition, the committee has released four bills to be considered at the subcommittee level this week:  Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, Defense, State and Foreign Operations, and Homeland Security.

In lieu of adopting a budget resolution for FY 2013, the Senate chose to comply with the spending levels specified in the Budget Control Act (BCA; P.L. 112-25). Its appropriations committee released its 302(b) suballocations, and has adopted three spending bills: Agriculture, CJS, and Energy-Water.

This Budget Brief describes the provisions of these bills, focusing on proposals that would impact state budgets. It also provides an update on the FY 2013 sequester that is required under the BCA. Table 1 provides recommended funding levels for the discretionary and mandatory programs of most importance to states based on the latest House and Senate actions.