DOT Clarifies Highway Trust Fund Cash Management Plan

Published Date: 
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

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During a conference call today, a representative from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) clarified the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) cash management plan to address the pending insolvency of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF), which will take effect on August 1 absent legislative action.

Specifically, DOT confirmed that a state may submit multiple reimbursement requests during a semi-monthly allocation period, which will be paid until the state’s cap is reached. Reimbursements will not be delivered on the same day they are requested, but 1-3 business days later. Once a state reaches its cap, reimbursements will halt for that period, but submissions above the cap may be carried over into the next period if requested by the state.

DOT will calculate reimbursement caps for each semi-monthly period based on the share of apportioned funding. A step-by-step example and a table showing each state and territory’s share of cash allocations for the semi-monthly period is included in new guidance released by DOT:

The following website has the most up-to-date information coming out of DOT:

Highway Trust Fund Update

Published Date: 
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

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On July 1, 2014, Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx sent a letter to state departments of transportation (DOTs) outlining the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) cash management plan to address the insolvency of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF). If no legislative remedy to the shortfall is enacted, beginning August 1 state reimbursements will be subject to delays and reductions, based on collections into the HTF.

The Senate Finance Committee is working on a bipartisan proposal to fund the HTF through the end of the calendar year; it is expected to mark up a bill next week. In addition, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee is in talks with the Senate Finance Committee to see if a bipartisan and bicameral approach can be developed.

The following documents provide additional information for states, including a “frequently asked questions” document that addresses issues such as:

  • The schedule for notifying states of their cash allocations and approving reimbursement requests
  • The method for determining each state’s share of available cash
  • Flexibility FHWA is providing to states
  • Interest payments on delayed federal reimbursements

Letter to state DOTs:

Frequently asked questions on cash management procedures:

Other resources:



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