Contact FFIS for the full text of any briefs from 1997 or 1996.


Finally, Job Training Reform Happens

Issue Brief 98-14, September 1, 1998

Child Support Performance and Incentive Act

Issue Brief 98-05, April 17, 1998

Winners and Losers -- Recent Trends in Federal Grants

Issue Brief 98-04, April 17, 1998


Public and Assisted Housing Reauthorization

Issue Brief 97-06, June 11, 1997

Transportation Reauthorization Update

Issue Brief 97-04, April 17, 1997

Transportation Reauthorization

Issue Brief 97-02, February 5, 1997


Recent Trends in Health Care Spending

Issue Brief 96-09, August 28, 1996

Trends in Education Funding (revised)

Issue Brief 96-08, August 27, 1996

Welfare Reform Summary

Issue Brief 96-07, August 12, 1996

Safe Drinking Water Act

Issue Brief 96-05, August 9, 1996

Health Insurance Reform

Issue Brief 96-06, August 7, 1996

The Unfunded Mandate Reform Act of 1995

Issue Brief 96-03, April 26, 1996
