Contact FFIS for the full text of any briefs from 1997 or 1996.


Appropriations Summary: The Worst is Yet to Come

Budget Brief 99-06, June 25, 1999

Congressional 302(b) Allocations

Budget Brief 99-05, May 24, 1999

And They're Off! FY 2000 Budget Process Gets Underway

Budget Brief 99-03, February 4, 1999

Heads Up! Federal Budget Process Gets Underway

Budget Brief 99-02, January 29, 1999


A Federal Budget Update Are Offsets in the Air?

Budget Brief 98-07, October 1, 1998

A Tale of Two Appropriation Bills Labor-HHS-Education

Budget Brief 98-06, October 1, 1998

51 Days and Counting--Congress Picks Up the Pace

Budget Brief 98-04, June 1, 1998

Congressional Priorities--So Much To Do, So Little Time

Budget Brief 98-02, March 20, 1998

Heads Up! Federal Budget Process Gets Underway

Budget Brief 98-01, January 28, 1998


Appropriations Summary

Budget Brief 97-09, November 14, 1997

Appropriations Summary: Interior and Related Agencies

Budget Brief 97-07, September 23, 1997

Appropriations Summary: Labor, HHS, Education

Budget Brief 97-06, September 23, 1997

Budget Reconciliation

Budget Brief 97-05, August 15, 1997

Appropriations Summary: Energy & Water and Transportation

Budget Brief 97-04, August 14, 1997

Congressional Budget Resolution

Budget Brief 97-02, June 11, 1997

Federal Budget and Legislative Update

Budget Brief 97-01, March 7, 1997
